eTown News

Rethink Sustainability: eTown's Commitment to Preservation Could Benefit Your Health

Written by The eTown Marketing Team | Jul 08, 2019

One glance at Pinterest or any home magazine and you’ll see that the obsession with the nature isn’t going anywhere, even in home decor. From end tables made of stumps to beams made of trees, the trend of bringing the outside in is more popular than ever. That’s because countless studies have shown that nature has numerous benefits for the mind and body.

If you’re considering a new home in Jacksonville, you may want to think about the features being offered outside as well as in. Contact with nature has been reported to have psychological benefits, including reduced stress, enhanced focus and productivity, mental restoration, improvement of ADHD and increased longevity. There really is no replacement for Mother Nature. 

The PARC Group made a commitment to preserve at least 50 percent of eTown land to ensure future generations can enjoy the same health benefits that our residents do today,” stated Roger O'Steen, Chairman and Founder. The PARC Group is the master-developer of eTown, as well as the master-planned Nocatee community.

Here are Six Surprising Health Benefits that Come From Living Near Trees from Lifehack:

  1. Living near trees can help you breathe better: Trees actually reduce air pollution. All the trees in the United States reduce air pollution by 17.7 million tonnes in a single year.
  2. Living near trees can save your life: Dr. Geoffrey Donovan and his team from the Pacific Northwest Research Station discovered that in areas that had lost the most number of trees from bugs and natural disaster, there was a higher death rate from heart and respiratory illnesses. 
  3. Living near trees will help you recover faster: Patients at a Pennsylvania hospital that were recovering from illnesses and operations healed faster when their rooms had a view of trees than patients whose rooms didn't have a nature view. In general, it was found that the patients looking at the brick wall needed more painkillers and a longer recovery period.
  4. Living near trees can help with anxiety, stress and depression: Researchers at the University of Wisconsin decided to test if people that live near trees had any benefits to their mental health versus people that lived surrounded by concrete. They found that residents living near trees were suffering from less anxiety, stress and depression than residents living in an area with a tree canopy of less than ten percent.
  5. Living near trees will help you fight obesity and diabetes: Researchers in Toronto found that the more trees there are on a block, the less likely residents in the surrounding neighborhoods would end up being obese or have diabetes. They are also likely to live 7 years longer. While this data is only correlational, researchers are emphasizing that just ten extra trees on a city block can make a difference by encourage people to get out and exercise.
  6. Living near trees may help you sleep better: Professor Diana Grigsby-Toussaint from the University of Illinois lead a research study on trees and health. Of the 250,000 subjects, it was concluded that those who lived near green areas slept far better than the others, especially if they were over the age of sixty-five.

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