Did you know that air quality impacts more than just global warming? Worldwide reductions in greenhouse gas emissions would enhance human health and avert economic loss, according to new research by NASA, Duke University, and Columbia University.
A recent article written by NASA's Earth Science News Team states:
When burned, fossil fuels emit carbon dioxide that contributes to global warming. The World Health Organization projects that heat exposure caused by increased temperatures will be the largest health impact of climate change. Simultaneously, burning fossil fuels emit air pollutants, such as sulfur and nitrogen oxides linked to premature death and respiratory illnesses, including asthma. One of these pollutants, nitrogen dioxide, in turn produces ozone pollution harmful for human health.
Greenhouse gasses can remain in the atmosphere for thousands of years, making quite an impact on the long-term warming trend. Humans are responsible for 40 billion tons of carbon dioxide emissions per year. Fortunately, together plants and oceans around the world can offset half of that, absorbing 20 billion tons of carbon dioxide per year.
In order to make a continued effort to account for the other 20 billion tons of emissions, it's extremely important to plant carbon-absorbing trees. While all trees filter the air of impurities, some are better at removing greenhouse gases than others. Listed below are some of the most efficient carbon-absorbing trees along with the lifetime carbon dioxide equivalent of carbon sequestered:
- Live Oak - 10,004 pounds
- East Palatka Holly - 7,321 pounds
- Slash Pine - 4,930 pounds
- Bald Cypress - 4,872 pounds
- Cabbage Palm 75 pounds
The PARC Group, eTown's Master Developer, believes long-term progress doesn’t start tomorrow; it starts today with thoughtful design and implementation, coupled with a community-wide commitment that 50% of eTown will remain preserve.
Sustainability and preservation have been paramount priorities since the eTown Vision was unveiled in 2019. With these values in mind, The PARC Group's eTown Development Team as well as the community builders intentionally chose to incorporate the five trees listed above throughout the landscape of the community.
eTown's preserve is made up of nearly 250,000 trees that will absorb over 2 billion pounds of greenhouse gases in their lifetime. There are almost 4,000 trees to be planted on homesites within the community that will absorb 38 million pounds of carbon in their lifetime, and over 800 trees planted along eTown Parkway that will absorb over 8 million pounds of emissions in their lifetime. Altogether, the 254,800 trees in the eTown community will filter approximately 2.1 billion pounds of carbon dioxide from the air in their lifetime.
The PARC Group's continued dedication to creating thoughtfully configured communities that compliment both the environment and the people that live in them will not only impact the quality of life of their residents now, but will also benefit future generations to come.